Surviving Wonder of the Ancient World

Great Pyramid of Giza

Growing up, we have watched many crime-solving and world-famous mystery-solving documentaries about different places in the world. One of such places we often encounter while reading 'Unresolved mystery' and watching 'Top 10 Mysterious places around the world' videos on YouTube is Egypt and its Pyramids.

Aliens or advanced metahumans?

Everyone has got theories about pyramids in Egypt. The gigantic structure is an unresolved mystery for curious explorers, historians, archaeologists, and scientists. As we evolved with technology, we were able to find some answers about these wonders, but still, there are so many truths yet to be revealed. 

They say these pyramids can be seen from space, imagine that! So, when you reach near this sole remaining structure of the 7 Wonders of the World, your brain starts flooding with numerous questions. You truly can't figure out the power and skills it must have taken for those who built such a structure so advanced that it can't be duplicated by using modern technology today. So, were those aliens? Or people back then had figured out the human advancement towards superpowers and metahumans as we see in science fiction movies? Guess we will never know!

Hassling camel rides and Strolling in the blazing sun 

The ancient desert landscape with its dry air, noisy winds, and blazing angry sun flaming with unknown rage reaches the outskirts of bustling Cairo. The pyramids dominate the Giza Plateau because these tall and intimidating structures stand at 139m (456 ft). You can see them from downtown areas which give the silent reminder of how the ancestors of modern Egyptians are watching over them. 

 Taking a stroll to fit all the four pyramids in one frame is exhausting because the Egyptian sun throws its angry blazing rays at you as if you have disturbed & scared him with your mortal presence. 

So, it would help if you went for a camel ride to take you around, but it ain't that easy. You have to go through a bizarre amount of hassling and badgering by the people who want you to take their 'Wonderful' camel rides. Just take a glance at smiling camels wearing colorful ornaments and showing their teeth, and you will hear shouts of 'Ride Ride' from all around you. 

Fascinating craftsmanship 

The ancient desert landscape with its dry air, noisy winds, and blazing angry sun flaming with unknown rage reaches the outskirts of bustling Cairo. The pyramids dominate the Giza Plateau because these tall and intimidating structures stand at 139m (456 ft). You can see them from downtown areas which give the silent reminder of how the ancestors of modern Egyptians are watching over them. 

 Taking a stroll to fit all the four pyramids in one frame is exhausting because the Egyptian sun throws its angry blazing rays at you as if you have disturbed & scared him with your mortal presence. 

So, it would help if you went for a camel ride to take you around, but it ain't that easy. You have to go through a bizarre amount of hassling and badgering by the people who want you to take their 'Wonderful' camel rides. Just take a glance at smiling camels wearing colorful ornaments and showing their teeth, and you will hear shouts of 'Ride Ride' from all around you. 

Fascinating craftsmanship 

You cannot do justice to your fascination with mystery unless and until you have seen these pyramids of Giza up close. They say the base this structure covers is equivalent to seven football pitches. An incredible amount of strength, strategy, and extremely genius minds must have been required to obtain such accuracy in the design.

The structure of the facial features and the body of a lion is called the sphinx. It was built in the reign of King Khafre as a guardian statue to protect the tomb of Khafre.

Blinding lights and Mystique treasures  

 Another thing to do here is to watch the Sound and Light Show, which brings ancient Egyptian rulers to life. The unsolved riddles surrounding ancient Egypt and pyramids have inspired many artists to display the historical eras showing possibilities of how these structures must have been built. Voices, scary music, and immaculate lighting effects will keep you at the edge of the seat. 

Unlike what we have heard through folklores, these pyramids do not have treasure chambers or anything. But don't be disheartened; some secret chambers are yet to be opened and explored. So, you will never know what they can find. 

The fascination about the great pyramid will never go away. As you visit the place, the air of mystery is palpable as you’re walking in the footsteps of some of the world's greatest explorers, leaving you with an eerie feeling and a chill down your spine!
Klaus O
December 14, 2021
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